Reports & Publications

**Last Updated 4/12/2022. Reports for which no link is posted may contain sensitive information. Contact the Program Manager to inquire about access.**     


Clemens, BJ, JE Harris, SJ Starcevich, TM Evans, JJ Skalicky, F Neave and RT Lampman. 2022. Sampling methods and survey designs for larval lampreys. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 42:455-474. link

Monzyk, FR, JP Miles, and AS Harrison. 2021. Warner Sucker population characteristics and passage success in Deep Creek. ODFW Science Bulletin 2021-12. pdf

Zymonas, ND, JV Tranquilli, MJ Hogansen, D Andres, and AS Harrison. 2021. Bull Trout research and monitoring in the Upper Willamette Basin, 2017-2020. ODFW Science Bulletin 2021-11. 

ODFW. 2021. Biological Review, occupancy and abundance, and sampling considerations for Umpqua Chub status and trend monitoring. ODFW Science Bulletin 2021-01.

Jones, KK, TJ Cornwell, DL Bottom, S Stein, and SJ Starcevich. 2021. Interannual variability in life-stage specific survival and life history diversity of coho salmon in a coastal Oregon basin. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 78: 1887–1899. link

Starcevich, SJ. 2021. Clackamas River Bull Trout Reintroduction Project: Characterizing status, trend, and thermal habitat suitability in 2020. ODFW Science Bulletin 2021-09.

Zymonas, ND, MJ Hogansen, MP Scheu, JV Tranquilli, and AS Harrison. 2021. Bull Trout research and monitoring in the Upper Willamette Basin 2010-2017. ODFW Progress Reports.

Collver, MC, K Huber, and AS Harrison. 2021. 2020 Oregon Chub Investigations. ODFW Science Bulletin. pdf

Bailey, EJ. 2020. Trapper Creek Brook Trout abundance and distribution study 2019. ODFW Progress Reports.

Bangs, BL, PD Scheerer, JT Peterson, and AS Harrison. 2020. 2017-2019 Borax Lake Chub Investigations. ODFW Progress Reports. pdf

Collver, MS, AA Anderson, BL Bangs, and AS Harrison. 2020. 2019 Oregon Chub Investigations. ODFW Progress Reports.

Monzyk, FR, JL Leal, SK Theall, and JT Peterson. 2020. 2019 Foskett Speckled Dace Investigations at Foskett Spring. ODFW Progress Reports. pdf

Starcevich, SJ. 2020. Clackamas River Bull Trout Reintroduction Project: Characterizing Status and Thermal Habitat Suitability in 2019. ODFW Progress Reports.

Bangs, BL, MS Collver, and MH Meeuwig. 2019. 2018 Oregon Chub investigations. ODFW Progress Reports.

Bohling, JH, SJ Starcevich, J Von Bargen, and EJ. Bailey. 2019. Describing fine-scale patterns of genetic structure and introgression of Redband Trout in a complex river system. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 39:509-523. link

Hughes, RM, BL Bangs, SV Gregory, PD Scheerer, RC Wildman, and JS Ziller. 2019. Recovery of Willamette River (Oregon, USA) fish assemblages: Successes and remaining threats. In: "From Catastrophe to Recovery: Stories of Fishery Management Success", Charles C. Krueger, William W. Taylor, and So-Jung Youn, eds. American Fisheries Society Press. link

Meeuwig, MH and AS Harrison. 2019. Millicoma Dace: Current status, future research, and management considerations. ODFW Reports. pdf

Monzyk, FR. 2019. Warner Sucker life history: A review. ODFW Information Reports 2019-07. pdf

Monzyk, FR. and AS Harrison. 2019. Warner Sucker passage success at the modified MC Diversion and distribution in the upper Twentymile Creek Subbasin. ODFW Progress Reports. pdf

Smith, C, J Von Bargen, PW. DeHaan, PD. Scheerer, and MH Meeuwig. 2019. Genetic structure and the history of chub in the Alvord Basin. Conservation Genetics 20: 489-501. link

Bangs, Brian L., Michael H. Meeuwig. 2018. 2017 Oregon Chub Investigations. ODFW Progress Reports. pdf

Meeuwig, Michael H., Benji Ramirez. 2018. Ecology of Redband Trout in the Donner und Blitzen River. ODFW Progress Reports. pdf

Monzyk, Fred R., James T. Peterson, and Michael H. Meeuwig. 2018. Foskett Speckled Dace Investigations at Dace Spring. ODFW Progress Reports. pdf

Monzyk, Fred R., Michael H. Meeuwig. 2018. Passage Success of Warner Suckers at the MC Diversion on Twentymile Creek. ODFW Progress Reports. pdf

Starcevich, Steven J. 2018. Clackamas River Bull Trout Reintroduction Project: Characterizing status and thermal habitat suitability in 2017 with census redd counts, PIT tag technology, eDNA surveys, and water temperature data loggers. ODFW Progress Reports. pdf

Starcevich, Steven J. 2018. Clackamas River Bull Trout Reintroduction Project: Characterizing status and thermal habitat suitability in 2018. ODFW Progress Reports. pdf

Bangs, Brian L., Michael H. Meeuwig. 2017. 2016 Oregon Chub Investigations. ODFW Progress Reports.

Bohling, Justin., Jennifer Von Bragen. 2017. Evaluation of genetic population structure and effective population size among populations of Redband trout in the Deschutes River Basin, OR. U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service Final Report. pdf

Clemens, Benjamin J. et al. 2017. Conservation Challenges and Research Needs for Pacific Lamprey in the Columbia River Basin.  Fisheries 42(5):May 2017. link

DeHaan, Patrick W., Jennifer Von Bargen, and Paul D. Scheerer. 2017. Genetic variation and the relationship between stream and lake ecotypes of a threatened desert Catostomid, the Warner sucker (Catostomus warnerensis). Ecology of Freshwater Fish. 2017; 26:609–620. link

Scheerer, Paul D., Michael H. Meeuwig. 2017. Warner Sucker Investigations (Warner lakes and lower Honey Creek). ODFW Progress Reports. pdf

Scheerer, Paul D., James T. Petterson, and Michael H. Meeuwig. 2017. 2016 Warner Sucker Investigations (Lower Twentymile Creek). ODFW Progress Reports. pdf

Scheerer, Paul D., Peterson, James T., and Clements, Shaun. 2017. Distribution and Abundance of Millicoma Dace In the Coos River Basin, Oregon. Northwestern Naturalist, 98(1) : 39-47. link

Scheerer, Paul D., James T. Peterson, and Michael H. Meeuwig. 2017. 2016 Foskett Speckled Dace Investigations. ODFW Progress Reports. pdf

Scheerer, Paul D., James T. Peterson, and Michael H. Meeuwig. 2017. 2017 Foskett Speckled Dace Investigations. ODFW Progress Reports. pdf

Scheerer, Paul, Matt Falcy, Brian Bangs, Michael Meeuwig, and Shaun Clements. 2017. Habitat Use by Bluegills Pomoxis annularis and Oregon Chub Oregonichthys crameri in an Off-channel Habitat in the Willamette Valley. ODFW Progress Reports. pdf

Scheerer, Paul D., James T. Peterson, and Michael H. Meeuwig. 2017. Distribution and Abundance of Pit Sculpin in Drews and Camp Creeks, Oregon. ODFW Progress Reports. pdf

Starcevich, Steven J., Beth Bailey. 2017. Assessing Redband Trout status in the middle and upper Deschutes River basin using young-of-the-year occupancy surveys in lateral habitats. ODFW Progress Reports. pdf

Starcevich, Steven J., Elizabeth J. Bailey, and Michael H. Meeuwig. 2017. Bull Trout Conservation and Recovery in the Odell Lake Core Area: Adult Status in Trapper Creek and Thermal and Physical Habitat Suitability in 2016. ODFW Progress Reports. pdf

Bangs, Brian L., W. Travis Neal, and Shaun Clements. 2016. 2015 Oregon Chub Investigations. ODFW Progress Reports. pdf

Barrows, Marshall G., Ryan C. Koch, Marci L. Koski, and Elizabeth Bailey. 2016. Clackamas River Bull Trout Reintroduction Project 2015 Annual Report. USFWS and ODFW. pdf

DeHaan, Patrick W., Brice A. Adams, Paul D. Sheerer, and Brian L. Bangs. 2016. Influence of Introduction History on Genetic Variation in Introduced Populations: A Case Study of Oregon Chub. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 36:1278–1291, 2016. link

Scheerer, Paul D., Shaun Clements, Steven E. Jacobs, James T Peterson. 2016. Status, Distribution, and Movement of the Warner Sucker in the Desert of Southeastern Oregon. Northwestern Naturalist 97:205–225 link

Scheerer, Paul D., James T. Peterson, and Michael Meeuwig, 2016. Borax Lake Chub Investigations. ODFW Progress Reports. pdf

Starcevich, Steven J. 2016. Clackamas River Bull Trout Reintroduction Project: Monitoring bull trout with census redd counts and PIT tag technology, 2011-2016. ODFW Progress Reports. pdf

Starcevich, Steven J. 2016. 2014 Deschutes River fisheries monitoring report: Occupancy and closed-capture modeling of salmonids using boat electrofishing in the Middle and Upper Deschutes River. ODFW Progress Reports. pdf

Bangs, Brian L., Paul D. Sheerer, and Shaun Clements. 2015. Effects of U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Willamette Project Operations on Oregon Chub and Other Floodplain Fishes (2009-2012). ODFW Progress Reports.

DeHann, Patrick., Jennifer Von Bargen, Mike Meeuwig, and Shaun Clements. 2015. Great Basin Redband Trout Genetic Status Assessment. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Final Report. pdf

DeHann, Patrick., Brice Adams, Brian Bangs, and Paul Sheerer. 2015. Connectivity and Gene Flow among Oregon Chub Populations In the Middle Fork Willamette River. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Final Report. pdf

Meeuwig, M.H., S.J. Starcevich, E.J. Bailey, S.P. Clements, and J.L. McCormick. 2015. Bull Trout conservation and recovery in the Odell Lake Core Area: distribution, behavior, ecology, and fisheries evaluations (2013-2014). ODFW Information Reports 2015-04. pdf

Meeuwig, M.H., and S.P. Clements. 2015. Temporal variability in the distribution and abundance of a desert trout: implications for monitoring design and population persistence in dynamic stream environments. Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife. ODFW Progress Reports. pdf

Peterson, James T., Paul D. Sheerer, and Shaun Clements. 2015. An Evaluation of the Efficiency of Minnow Traps for Estimating the Abundance of Minnows in Desert Spring Systems. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 35:491–502, 2015. link

Scheerer, P.D., J.T. Peterson, and S. Clements. 2015. Warner Sucker investigations (lower Twentymile Creek passage). ODFW Progress Reports. pdf

Scheerer, P.D., J.T. Peterson, and S. Clements. 2015. Distribution and abundance of Alvord chub in Oregon and Nevada. Northwestern Naturalist 96:118-132. link

Scheerer, P.D., S. Clements, and J.T. Peterson. 2015. Borax Lake Chub investigations. ODFW Progress Reports. pdf

Scheerer, P.D., J.T. Peterson, and S. Clements. 2015. Foskett Speckled Dace Investigations. ODFW Progress Reports. pdf

Scheerer, P.D., J.T. Peterson, and S. Clements. 2015. Distribution and abundance of Millicoma Dace in the Williams River and Tioga Creek, South Fork Coos River Basin, Oregon. ODFW Progress Reports. pdf

Scheerer, P.D., J.T. Peterson, and S. Clements. 2015. Distribution and abundance of Umpqua Dace in the Umpqua River Basin, Oregon. ODFW Progress Reports. pdf

Starcevich, S., and S. Clements. 2015. Clackamas River Bull Trout reintroduction project: census spawning surveys, 2015. OODFW Progress Reports. pdf

Starcevich, S., N. Doran, and R. Carrasco. 2015. Monitoring salmonid occupancy using cataraft electrofishing in the upper Deschutes River. ODFW Information Reports 2015-02. pdf

Bangs, Brian L., Paul D. Scheerer, and Shaun Clements 2014. 2014 Oregon Chub Investigations. ODFW Progress Reports.

Meeuwig, M.H., and S.P. Clements. 2014. Use of depletion electrofishing and a generalized random tesselation stratified design to estimate density and abundance of Redband Trout in the northern Great Basin. ODFW Information Reports 2014-01. pdf

Scheerer, P.D., J.T. Peterson, and S.P. Clements. 2014. 2014 Foskett Speckled Dace Investigations. ODFW Progress Reports. pdf

Scheerer, P.D., J.T. Peterson, and S.P. Clements. 2014. 2014 Warner Sucker Investigations (Lower Twentymile Creek). ODFW Progress Reports. pdf

Scheerer, P.D., J.T. Peterson, and S.P. Clements. 2014. Distribution and abundance of Millicoma Dace in the Coos Basin, Oregon. ODFW Progress Reports. pdf

Starcevich, S. J., S. L. Gunckel, and S. E. Jacobs. 2014. Movements, habitat use, and population characteristics of adult Pacific lamprey in a coastal river. Environmental Biology of Fishes 97: 939-953. DOI 10.1007/s10641-013-0196-5 pdf

Bangs, Brian L., Matthew R. Falcy, Paul D. Scheerer, and Shaun Clements. 2013. Comparison of three methods for marking a small floodplain minnow. Animal Biotelemetry 2013, 1:18 link

Bangs, Brian L., Paul D. Scheerer, and Shaun Clements. 2013. Oregon Chub Investigations. ODFW Progress Reports. pdf

Scheerer, Paul D., and Shaun Clements. 2013. Evaluating Warner Sucker Swimming Performance to Inform Passage Design in the Warner Basin, Oregon. ODFW Progress Reports. pdf

Scheerer, Paul D., James T. Peterson, Brad Bauman, and Shaun Clements. 2013. Distribution and abundance of Alvord chub in the Alvord basin of southeastern Oregon and northwestern Nevada. ODFW Progress Reports. pdf

Scheerer, Paul D., Brian L. Bangs, and Shaun Clements. 2013. 2013 Borax Lake Chub Investigations. ODFW Progress Reports. pdf

Scheerer, Paul D., James T. Peterson, and Shaun Clements. 2013. 2013 Foskett Speckled Dace Investigations. ODFW Progress Reports. pdf

Scheerer, Paul D., James T. Peterson, and Shaun Clements. 2013. 2013 Warner Sucker Investigations (Lower Honey Creek). ODFW Progress Reports. pdf

Starcevich, Steve, and Shaun Clements. 2013. Larval lamprey distribution and habitat use in small stream channels on the Oregon coast. ODFW Progress Reports. pdf

Meeuwig, Mike M., S. Clements, and S. Starcevich. 2012. Native Trout Decision Support Model. ODFW Progress Reports. pdf

Scheerer, Paul D., Brian L. Bangs, Shaun Clements, and James T Peterson. 2012. Borax Lake Chub Investigations. ODFW Progress Reports. pdf

Scheerer, Paul D., Brian L. Bangs, Shaun Clements, and James T Peterson. 2012. Foskett Springs Speckled Dace Investigations. ODFW Progress Reports. pdf

Scheerer, Paul D., Shaun Clements, and James T. Patterson. 2012. 2012 Warner Valley Fish Investigations- Warner Sucker. ODFW Progress Reports. pdf

Starcevich, Steven J., Phillip J. Howell, Steven E. Jacobs, and Paul M. Sankovich. 2012. Seasonal Movement and Distribution of Fluvial Adult Bull Trout in Selected Watersheds in the Mid-Columbia River and Snake River Basins. PLoS one May 2012 | Volume 7 | Issue 5 | e37257. link

Zymonas, Nikolas D., and Vince Tranquilli. 2012. Middle Fork Willamette Basin Bull Trout Rehabilitation and Monitoring Project. ODFW Progress Reports.

Anderson, M., G. Giannico, S. Jacobs. 2011. Seasonal migrations of adult and sub-adult redband trout in a high desert basin of Eastern Oregon, USA. Ecology of Freshwater Fish 2011. link

Bangs, Brian L., Paul D. Scheerer, and Stephanie A. Miller. 2011. Effects of U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Willamette Project Operations on Oregon Chub and Other Floodplain Fishes (2009-2010). ODFW Progress Reports.

Bangs, Brian L., Paul D. Scheerer, and Shaun Clements. 2011. 2011 Oregon Chub Investigations. ODFW Progress Reports.

Miller, Stephanie A. 2011. Population Assessment of Lahontan Cutthroat Trout, 2011. ODFW Progress Reports. pdf

Scheerer, Paul D., and Brian L. Bangs. 2011. 2011 Borax  Lake Chub Investigations. ODFW Progress Reports. pdf

Scheerer, Paul D. 2011. 2011 Foskett Spring Speckled Dace Investigations. ODFW Progress Reports. pdf

Scheerer, Paul D., Steven Jacobs, Mark Terwilliger, Stephanie Miller, Stephanie Gunckel, Shannon Richardson, and Michael Heck. 2011. Status, Distribution, and Life History Investigations of Warner Suckers, 2006-2010. ODFW Progress Reports.

Scheerer, Paul D., Shaun Clements, and Ryan Jacobson. 2011. 2011 Warner Sucker Investigations (Honey Creek). ODFW Progress Reports.

Bangs, Brian L., Paul D. Scheerer, Ryan L. Jacobsen, and Steven E. Jacobs. 2010. Oregon Chub Investigations. ODFW Progress Reports. pdf

Bangs, Brian L., Paul D. Scheerer, and Steven E. Jacobs. 2010. Effects of U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Willamette Project Operations on Oregon Chub and Other Floodplain Fishes. ODFW Progress Reports.

DeHaan, Patrick, Paul Scheerer, and Ron Rhew. 2010. Analyses of Genetic Variation in Natural and Re-introduced Populations of Oregon Chub (Oregonichthys crameri). USFWS Final Report. pdf

Miller, Stephanie A., Steven E Jacobs, Stephanie L. Gunckel, and Shannon Richardson. 2010. Evaluation of a Sampling Approach to Monitor the Status of Great Basin Redband Trout in Southeastern Oregon (2007 – 2009). ODFW Information Reports. pdf

Richardson, Shannon E., and Steve Jacobs. 2010. Odell Lake Bull Trout. ODFW Progress Reports. pdf

Richardson, Shannon E. et al. 2010. Warner Sucker Investigations. ODFW Progress Reports. pdf

Scheerer, Paul D., and Steve E. Jacobs 2010. Borax Lake Chub Investigations. ODFW Progress Reports. pdf

Scheerer, Paul D., Stephanie L Gunckel, Michael P Heck1, and Steven E Jacobs. 2010. Status and Distribution of Native Fishes in the Goose Lake Basin, Oregon. Northwestern Naturalist 91:271-287 Winter 2010. link

Starcevich, Steven J., and Steven E. Jacobs. 2010. Abundance, Life History, and Distribution of Bull Trout in the Hood River Basin: A Summary of Findings from 2006 to 2009. ODFW Progress Reports.

Starcevich, S. J., P.J. Howell, S. E. Jacobs, and P. M. Sankovich. 2010. Migratory distribution of fluvial adult Bull Trout in relation to land and water use in watersheds within the Mid-Columbia and Snake River Basins. Wild Trout IX – Sustaining Wild Trout in a Changing World (2010). pdf

Zymonas, Nikolas D., J. Vincent Tranquilli, and Michael Hogansen. 2010. Monitoring and Evaluation of Impacts to Bull Trout (Salvelinus confluentus) and Spring Chinook (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) in the South Fork McKenzie River from Construction of Water Temperature Control Facilities at Cougar Dam, Oregon. ODFW Progress Reports.

Anderson, Matthew., Guillermo Giannico, and Steve Jacobs. 2009. Migration and Passage of Redband Trout in the Donner und Blitzen River, 2007-2009. ODFW Information Report. pdf

Bangs, Brian L., Paul D. Scheerer, Sean M. Kramer, Steven E. Jacobs. 2009. Oregon Chub Investigations. ODFW Progress Reports.

Jacobs, Steven E., William Gaeuman, Matt A. Weeber, Stephanie L. Gunckel, and Steven J. Starcevich. 2009. Utility of a Probabilistic Sampling Design to Determine Bull Trout Population Status Using Redd Counts in Basins of the Columbia River Plateau. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 29:1590–1604, 2009.

Scheerer, Paul D., and Steven E. Jacobs. 2009. 2009 Borax Lake Chub Investigations. ODFW Progress Reports. pdf

Scheerer, Paul D., and Steven E. Jacobs. 2009. 2009 Foskett Spring Speckled Dace Investigations. ODFW Progress Reports. pdf

Scheerer, Paul D., Steve Jacobs, and Mark Terwilliger. 2009. Oregon Chub Investigations at Hospital Pond, 2000-2008. ODFW Progress Reports. pdf

Bangs, Brian L., Paul D. Scheerer, Sharon E. Tippery, Matt A. Weeber, and Steven E. Jacobs. 2008. Oregon Chub Investigations. ODFW Progress Reports.

Bangs, Brian., Stephanie Gunckel, and Steve Jacobs. 2008. Distribution and Abundance of Redband Trout Oncorhynchus mykiss in the Malheur River Basin, 2007. ODFW Progress Reports. pdf

Heck, Michael P., Paul D. Scheerer, Stephanie L. Gunckel, and Steven E. Jacobs. 2008. Status and Distribution of Native Fishes in the Goose Lake Basin. ODFW Progress Reports.

Scheerer, Paul D., and Steve E. Jacobs. 2008. 2008 Borax Lake Chub Investigations. ODFW Progress Reports. pdf

Scheerer, Paul D., Steve E. Jacobs, Kyle Bratcher, Glenn Swearingen, and Sean Kramer. 2008. 2008 Warner Valley Fish Investigations- Warner Suckers. ODFW Progress Reports. pdf

Hartill, Trent., and Steve Jacobs. 2007. Distribution and Abundance of Bull Trout in the Sprague River (Upper Klamath Basin), 2006. ODFW Progress Reports.

Jacobs, Steven E., Steven J. Starcevich, and William Tinniswood. 2007. Effects of Impoundments and Hydroelectric Facilities on the Movement and Life History of Redband Trout in the Upper Klamath River: A Summary and Synthesis of Past and Recent Studies. Wild Trout IX – Sustaining Wild Trout in a Changing World (2007).

Pearse, Devon. 2007. Population genetics of Oncorhynchus mykiss in the upper Klamath Basin. ODFW Progress Reports.

Sheerer, Paul D., and Steven E. Jacobs. 2007. Borax Lake Chub Investigations. ODFW Progress Reports. pdf

Sheerer, Paul D., and Steven E. Jacobs. 2007. Hutton Spring Tui Chub and Foskett Spring Speckled Dace Investigations. ODFW Progress Reports. pdf

Sheerer, Paul D., and Steven E. Jacobs. 2007. Willamette Valley Projects- Lookout Point- Oregon Chub (2007). ODFW Progress Reports. pdf

Scheerer, Paul D., Peggy S. Kavanaugh, Brian L. Bangs, and Steven E. Jacobs. 2007. Oregon Chub Investigations. ODFW Progress Reports.

Scheerer, Paul D., Michael P. Heck, Stephanie L. Gunkel, and Steven E. Jacobs. 2007. 2007 Warner Sucker Stream Investigations. ODFW Progress Reports. pdf

Starcevich, Steven J., and Steven E. Jacobs. 2007. Hood River Bull Trout Abundance, Life History, and Habitat Connectivity, 2007. ODFW Progress Reports. pdf

Gunckel, Stephanie L., and Steven E. Jacobs. 2006. Population Assessment of Lahontan Cutthroat Trout, 2005. ODFW Progress Reports.

Moore, Teri L., Steven J. Starcevich, Steve Jacobs, and Phillip Howell. 2006. Migratory Patterns, Structure, Abundance, and Status of Bull Trout Populations from Subbasins in the Columbia Plateau and Blue Mountain Provinces. ODFW Progress Reports. pdf

Moore, Teri. 2006. Distribution and abundance of bull trout and redband trout in Leonard and Deming Creeks, July and August, 2005. ODFW Progress Reports. pdf

Scheerer, Paul D., and Steven E. Jacobs. 2006. 2006 Borax Lake Chub Investigations. ODFW Progress Reports. pdf

Scheerer, Paul D., Peggy S. Kavanagh, Brian L. Bangs, and Steven E. Jacobs. 2006. Oregon Chub Investigations. ODFW Progress Reports.

Scheerer, Paul D., and Steven E. Jacobs. 2006. Willamette Valley Projects- Lookout Point- Oregon Chub (2006). ODFW Progress Reports. pdf

Scheerer, Paul D., and Steven E. Jacobs. 2006. Warner Valley Fish Investigations- Warner Suckers. ODFW Progress Reports. pdf

Starcevich, S. J., Steven E. Jacobs, and William Tinniswood. 2006. Effects of dams on Redband Trout life history in the Upper Klamath River: A summary and synthesis of past and recent studies. ODFW Information Reports. pdf

Scheerer, Paul D., and Steven E. Jacobs. 2005. Borax Lake Chub Population Assessment and Monitoring Strategy. ODFW Progress Reports. pdf

Scheerer, Paul D., and Steven E. Jacobs. 2005. Hutton Spring Tui Chub and Foskett Spring Speckled Dace Investigations. ODFW Progress Reports. pdf

Scheerer, Paul D., Steve Jacobs, and Mark Terwilliger. 2005. Monitoring of Hospital Pond (2005): Willamette Basin Oregon Chub Investigations, Monitoring & Management. ODFW Progress Reports. pdf

Scheerer, Paul D., Michael Scheu, Brian L. Bangs, and Steven E Jacobs. 2005. Sand Roller Investigations in the Willamette River Drainage. ODFW Progress Reports.

Starcevich, Steven J., Steve Jacobs, and Phillip J. Howell. 2005. Migratory Patterns, Structure, Abundance, and Status of Bull Trout Populations from Subbasins in the Columbia Plateau and Blue Mountain Provinces. ODFW Progress Reports. pdf

Sankovich, Paul M., Steven J. Starcevich, Alan R. Hemmingsen, Stephanie L. Gunckel. 2004. Migratory Patterns, Structure, Abundance, and Status of Bull Trout Populations from Subbasins in the Columbia Plateau and Blue Mountain Provinces. ODFW Progress Reports. pdf

Sheerer, Paul., and Mark Terwilliger. 2004. Monitoring of Hospital Pond (2004): Willamette Basin Oregon Chub Investigations, Monitoring & Management. ODFW Progress Reports. pdf

Sheerer, Paul D., Peggy S. Kavanagh, and Steven E. Jacobs. 2004. Oregon Chub Investigations. ODFW Progress Reports.

Sankovich, Paul M., Stephanie L. Gunckel, Alan R. Hemmingsen, Ian A. Tattam. 2003. Migratory Patterns, Structure, Abundance, and Status of Bull Trout Populations from Subbasins in the Columbia Plateau.  ODFW Progress Reports. pdf

Sheerer, Paul D., Patrick McDonald. 2003. Age, Growth, and Timing of Spawning of an Endangered Minnow, The Oregon Chub (Oregonichthys crameri), In the Willamette Basin, Oregon. Northwestern Naturalist 84:68-79. link

Hemmingsen, Alan R., Stephanie L. Gunckel, Paul M. Sankovich, and Phillip J. Howell. 2002. Bull Trout Life History, Genetics, Habitat Needs, and Limiting Factors in Central and Northeast Oregon. ODFW Progress Reports.

Scheerer, Paul D., Peggy S. Kavanagh, and Kim K. Jones. 2002. Oregon Chub Investigations. ODFW Progress Reports.

Scheerer, Paul D., and Mark Terwilliger. 2002. Monitoring of Hospital Pond (2002): Willamette Basin Oregon Chub Investigations, Monitoring & Management. ODFW Progress Reports. pdf

Scheerer, Paul D., and Mark Terwilliger. 2001. Monitoring of Hospital Pond (2001): Willamette Basin Oregon Chub Investigations, Monitoring & Management. ODFW Progress Reports. pdf

Hemmingsen, Alan R., Stephanie L. Gunckel, Paul M. Sankovich, and Phillip J. Howell. 2001. Bull Trout Life History, Genetics, Habitat Needs, and Limiting Factors in Central and Northeast Oregon. ODFW Progress Reports.

Hemmingsen, Alan R., David Buchanan, and Philip J. Howell. 1996. Bull Trout Life History, Genetics, Habitat Needs, and Limiting Factors in Central and Northeast Oregon. BPA Annual Progress Report. pdf

Hemmingsen, A.R, R.A. French, D.V. Buchanan, D.L. Bottom, and K.P. Currens. 1992. Native Trout Project. ODFW Annual Progress Report. pdf

Buchanan, D.V., A.R Hemmingsen, D.L. Bottom, R.A. French, and K.P. Currens. 1990. Native Trout Project. ODFW Annual Progress Report. pdf


**Reports for which no link is posted may contain sensitive information. Contact the Program Manager to inquire about access. **                                                                           

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